Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to dry up acne at home

« ...A healthy diet also means a lot of difference when it comes to acne. If you consume enough fibers, vitamins and minerals you can get rid of acne effectively. If you eat healthily, you are avoiding the usual acne triggers such as excessive fats and chemical food additives while supplying your body enough amount of needed nutrients to make it perform optimally....
...If you suspect you have stress acne, why not relax and have a cup of acne relieving herbal tea? Herbal tea is especially good for stress acne for several reasons. First, when you drink a few cups of hot herbal tea, you tend to relax yourself, your body, mind and soul effectively. Your gestures and movement get slower, and your body is relieving itself from stress that has built up over time. Herbal tea also helps with acne if you select the right kinds of tea that has the capability to have a positive impact on acne. One such example includes green tea....»
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«...However if we approach it from the inside out our likelihood of success is far greater. As a consequence you need to observe what you are doing on a day to day basis that is resulting in blocked pores....»
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tags: acne black body care skin, best treatment for pimples and acne, getting rid of acne fast

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