Thursday, October 2, 2008

Natural scar acne treatment

« ...Unfortunately, that happens more often than you would think, primarily because most people cannot resist picking at or bothering their pimples in some way. And once the pimples burst, it is only a matter of time before the surrounding tissue gets affected and starts forming acne cysts. Quite apart from the fact that these cysts can leave long-lasting scars, they are also excruciatingly painful. As Shari says of her ordeal, "Every waking moment was agony and it seemed the only way I could sleep was to take sedatives."...
...Is it possible to get rid of pimples in 24 hours? For healing purpose, the skin need a period of time which usually take days, weeks or even months depending on the severity of the damage. Hence, removing pimples in such a short time is not achievable but you can fade them so that they don't look obvious for people to see....»
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«...Many people rely in different advertised and manufactured products sold in the market that claims to combat acne problems. Little did they know that these products came from the natural ingredients made by Mother Earth. Acne herbal medicine is one of the best natural ways in treating moderate to severe acne dilemma. Aside from being effective it is also inexpensive. You may grow it right in your own backyard. Many herbs are used in making anti-acne products. This includes Neem, Turmeric, Sandalwood and more. Not only it is included in topical ointments but it is used as an ingredient to create an excellent facial mask as well....»
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tags: have medicine for my acne, but i still eat alot of candy, acne face washes celebrities use, acne best scar treatment

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