Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why i get acne after my period and how to get rid of acne overnight remedies

• Persistent acne having too many zits may indicate another problem and needs the attention of a dermatologist.
You can follow by first gently applying fresh lemon juice to your skin, and then wiping it with glycerin. If you like, you can finish top off your routine with a splash of benzyl peroxide, but you may not need to because your acne pimples may have already dried out.
Acne is the most distressing skin problem one can go through . Almost 90% of men and women have dealt with acne at some time or the other. Acne, unlike other skin problems affect people much more deeply. Part of the problems lies in wrong beliefs on what causes zits and how to treat it. This article will highlight some of these mistakes made in dealing with acne.
tags: over the counter acne red mark, how to get rid of terrible acne fast, how does spironolactone help acne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Acne is a common skin condition that affecting most people. It lowers self confidence and self esteem. For some, natural remedy really works in treating acne but it others have sensitive skin so instead to treat acne, it worsen the condition. baby eczema