Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne scarring natural treatment and how to cure acne

Having a severe case of acne on your face can be embarrassing, depressing and can cause low self esteem.
But I have not covered in depth information about detoxification to cure acne. You are still clueless about how to get rid of acne using detoxification. There are so many detoxification plans in the world, and which one should you follow if you have acne? You should concentrate on a diet that consists of a lot vegetables and fruits. Doing so will allow your body to get enough amounts of fibers to remove your body's toxins. Of course, drink a lot of water every day helps too.
Whiteheads and Blackheads are termed as per the biological oxidation of the skin. So, whitehead means not oxidized and blackhead is oxidized.
tags: vitamin c and facial acne natural, how to get acne and pimples away forever at home, home natural acne treatment

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