Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne exposed review

« ...When I had acne for many years I tried many, many treatments, and these were by and large a complete waste of time and money. I tried antibiotics, accutane, dozens of cleansers and many pill formulas. None of these worked. And the people selling them were saying that food didn't make a difference (or hardly any difference) to acne......
...Using moderate make-up as well as removing the make-up entirely is also good skin care practices. And never prick a pimple as it will result in scarring ad possibly in further infection....»
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«...They always appear at the wrong moment: when you have a date, just before the prom night, moments from your on stage performance! This skin condition strikes with no mercy anyone from celebrities to a regular teenager. Instead of panicking you should just do something about it!...»
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tags: things at home can get rid of pimples and acne, how to get rid of acne fast message board, acne pills and risk of pregnancy

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