Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eat almonds for acne pimples

« ...More and more people turn to natural treatments. Some people tried chemical products that maybe didn't work or made their skin condition worse. Lots of chemical products leave the skin dry or lead to skin rashes, itchy skin or other unpleasant side effects. Natural acne treatments don't have side effects and that it's a big plus. Going with a natural cure it only seems to be the logical choice!...
...So you're looking for treatments for back acne (sometimes known as bacne). Well at least you've made a start, you've started looking for treatments on the Internet, rather than going to your local doctors and getting their latest acne creams. The best way to treat any kind of acne in my opinion is by using natural home-made remedies. But unlike treating acne on your face, you can treat back acne a little bit differently; the skin on your back is thicker than on your face, so irritating back acne isn't as bigger problem as irritating acne on your face or neck....»
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«...Isotretinoin is the most common, and most potent drug prescribed for cystic acne treatment. It is a man-made form of retinoid (Vitamin A) that is taken in pill form....»
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tags: home remedy for acne bumps, exposed acne treatment user reviews, child rapid growth, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, rls, acne,

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