Sunday, September 28, 2008

Alternatives to birth control pills for acne

« ...You are what you eat. If you are troubled by acne, change the way you eat. That means no more oily foods, fast foods, foods with a lot of additives and other "unhealthy" foods. To treat acne, it is always better to maintain a diet that has a lot of fruits and vegetables. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables will help improve your immune system and detoxify your body. The vitamins and minerals in them also are very beneficial to your skin's general health and can prevent future acne breakouts....
...4. If you are stuck with a pimple and your big day is tomorrow, you may want to just use make up to camouflage the acne. Remember to use water based make up so as not to clog the pores. It is also better if you use lighter make up so that it doesn't look cakey....»
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«...Generally it is best to start using this type of product with only a small amount of benzoyl peroxide; in fact no more than 5.5 percent is recommended just to see how the skin reacts. The working alternatives to this involve using products that have the substance alpha hydroxy acid in them. It is not always possible to find an acne skin care product that works first time. You may need to try a few but if none of them seem to be working then you would be advised to contact your skin specialist....»
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tags: getting rid of redness on your cheeks from acne, bacitracin zinc acne, acnefree 3 step acne care system

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